One Week Vacation
This has been an awesome week.
First off, I wanted to wish Marshall a belated Happy Birthday on Saturday. Sorry I was not able to get online, but I did drunk dial, albeit at 4am. I can't believe this kid made it to 30 since hatching from his pod. He's the worst and best friend, depending on who you ask. But he keeps us all entertained no doubt.
Ahhhh...I needed this vacation. We went 6-3 this weekend and lost in the quarterfinals to a team named "Three Hour Tour". Everyone played their hearts out and left it all on the field. My right hamstring is pulled in two places, and I was pissed I couldn't finish out the game. However, the body surfing across the street at Waimanalo beach after our game today was great. The team that won it all was "Hana Hou", who beat "Diego en Fuego", last year's champs. We did beat Diego on Friday 11-10, but unfortunately, we ran out of healthy bodies by Sunday. I received a couple of spirit "awards" from two teams we played against, which basically hooked me up with delicious grilled foods and even more drinks. Great teams all around and a super fun tournament.
So, for the party last night, we had a landshark and porpoise with naked carriers. All in all we had 8 naked players streaking through the main tent. Kelly and Cara led the charge. B. Sause was carried by Mike N. and Rob L. I think Rob has some bruises on his neck because Mike was moving fast and Sause clamped on cuz he didn't want to fall. Rachael was carried by Flave and myself. Yeah...there were some camera flashes that went off, so I'm sure there are some pictures floating around somewhere. Good music, dancing, and free drinks were flowing from the party tent all night long. Sadly, we didn't win the party because we couldn't boat-race. Seriously...there was a guy there with a ZZ Top style beard who could open his neck and pour his beer straight down.
The outrageous trophy had to go to John O., who should be held up by TSA airport security as I'm writing this. He was quite drunk and belligerent after the game today as he was leaving for the airport...and he was also carrying an extra large Super-Soaker - that couldn't fit in any bag - with him like Ahnuld in "Commando". In addition, earlier in the week, he tried to body surf the Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore, and ended up doing a head plant into the sand on his second attempt. We took him to the ER to get a neck brace after he had trouble moving his head. Everyone warned him, including the sign with the red flag. Man, the waves there made me soil my shorts.
Time does go by fast when you're having fun. Now I'm all sore and sloppy and we have to clean up the rental beach house. I've got some late assignments to turn in, but I can't even focus to write this blog at the moment. My body is spent, but my mind is so relaxed and happy. I'm not looking forward to the long flight back tomorrow evening and the lost of a few hours. It's still Sunday for me, and I'm going to get some ice cream.
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